This morning was another bright and early one, but worked
out fine bc we beat the crowd at Uncle Will's (pancake
place!). It is a piggy theme pancake house and every time
we pass it the kids oink - even Joseph! After that we
headed to the beach with Aunt Bella, Emily, and Michael.
Poor Emily - the girls did not give her 1 minute to herself
to breath. Joe got a nice breather though - ha ha! After
naps Miss Jenn joined us for dinner and then mini golf. The
girls LOVED mini golf - me, not so much. Very hot, lots of
walking, running after balls, etc. But it was a fun night
none the less. When we got home the girls gave Miss Jenn a
hairstyle makeover before bed. Considering it is almost 11
now and I still hear the two of them whispering in their
room, I am hoping tomorrow they sleep past 6:45 - any
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Thanks for visiting! Have a great day!