I often try to forget, but yes, we have a cat named Emma.
She is 7 and a half years old, and I say she adopted us - we
did not adopt her. She was abandoned at our house on Jason
Court at 1-2 days old. She was 1.5lbs, and I had no idea
what I was getting myself in to. In 7 and a half years, I
have purchased many cat beds and cat pillows for Emma to
make her "her spot" to sleep instead of my couch. In 7 and
a half years she has not liked anything. This past week I
purchased a dog pillow (yes, for dogs) because it was a
material that I thought Emma would like. Well, I was right.
After 7 and a half years, Emma has a bed to call her own.
It is still crazy to think that I have a cat, but I do.
To view all of our photos, look on the right side under "Our Photos" and click on the most recent date.
Thanks for visiting! Have a great day!