Monday kicked off Catholic School's week and each day St.
Cecelia's had a special activity planned for the students.
Monday was Bingo with the Principal. Tuesday was no
homework. Today was spirit day! Children were encouraged
to show their school spirit by wearing the school colors
blue and gold. At a school assembly, a Spirit Princess and
Prince would be named for each class. Adelina won class
Spirit Pricess and came home bubbling! Also, today for
lunch all of the students and parents were treated to free
hot lunch. So Joe and I spent our lunch break at St.
Cecelia's with Adelina for lunch. Really cute! For all of
the pictures, look on the right side under "Our Photos" for
"2010 Winter".
To view all of our photos, look on the right side under "Our Photos" and click on the most recent date.
Thanks for visiting! Have a great day!